fredag 22 maj 2009

Dagens låt

Sun Kil Moons covers på Modest Mouse-låtar är otroligt känsliga och 
lyhörda, men samtidigt våldsamma i det att de formar låten efter 
Marks eget huvud och artistskap och närmast gör låten till hans egen. 
Som med nästan all musik av Modest Mouse är texten det mest 
bärande, därför klipper jag in texten till låten här under. Enjoy!

I'm the same as I was when I was six years old 
And oh my God, I feel so damn old 
I don't really feel anything 
On a plane, I can see the tiny lights below 
And oh my God, they look so alone 
Do they really feel anything? 
Oh my God, I've got to, got to, got to, got to move on 
Where do you move when what you're moving from 
Is yourself? 
The universe works on a math equation 
That never even ever really ends in the end 
Infinity spirals out creation 
We're on the tip of its tongue, and it is saying 
We ain't sure where you stand 
You ain't machines and you ain't land 
And the plants and the animals, they are linked 
And the plants and the animals eat each other 

Oh my God, and oh my cat 
I told my Dad what I need 
Well, I know what I have and want 
But I don't know what I need 
Well, he said, he said, he said, he said 
"Where we're going, I'm dead"

2 kommentarer:

Ingrid K sa...
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Ingrid K sa...

ord som betyder.